Supply Chain Disclosure
Our Commitment
We believe that we have a responsibility to conduct our business in an ethical and sustainable way and expect the same from our suppliers, thus we strive to build long-term business relationships that demonstrate a commitment to fair treatment of workers and environmental responsibility. This includes working to combat the practices of forced labor, slavery, and human trafficking.
Internal Accountability
We are a leading dairy producer in the United States and committed to conducting business in an ethical, socially responsible, and lawful manner and our commitment is reflected in our current Business Conduct Policy that is available to all of our employees and contractors. All employees and contractors are required to adhere to the policy. Non-compliance with our policies on acting in accordance with applicable laws, including child labor and human trafficking may result in disciplinary action including discharge or termination of a contract as applicable.
To more fully incorporate our sustainability values into procurement decisions and to help employees and management who may have responsibility for supply chain management, we provide training upon hire to enhance an employee’s understanding and compliance with our sustainability policies and requirements including our Code of Conduct. Additional trainings may be offered from time to time to help educate the workforce.
We take pride in responsibly managing its supply chain by building long-term business relationships with reputable suppliers. To that end, we utilize a third-party vendor to conduct initial verification that certain information was provided by our suppliers however we do not currently maintain a final verification process.
In an effort to fulfill our mission as a socially responsible and sustainable company in the world today, we ask that all of our vendors and suppliers agree to abide by our supplier code of conduct as set forth in applicable commercial agreements, which address our commitment to curb child labor, slavery, discrimination, and animal testing. We also maintain an ethics and compliance hotline and encourages those with knowledge of any potential violations to report them immediately by using the hotline.
While we do not conduct audits of our full supply chain to evaluate all of our suppliers’ ongoing compliance with our zero-tolerance policy for trafficking, child labor, and slavery, we are committed to complying with federal, state, and local laws as well as ethical conduct wherever we or our suppliers conduct business, and we do not condone the use of child labor, slavery or forced labor in any of our suppliers’ operations or facilities.